Friday, January 30, 2009

Family ties

Guess who's related to Obama?  That's right, blogfans - yours truly!  After extensive Googling and a whole lotta research into our family tree, my grandmother informed me that in fact, Barack and I are 11th cousins.  
Here's the breakdown, for anyone who cares: one of the ancestors of Obama's mama was a man named Samuel Hinckley who came to Cape Cod from England in 1640 with his wife and 4 children.  Because my grandma's grandmother's family are also descended from Hinckley, she discovered that Obama is one of the 12th generation of his descendants - as am I.  Hence, 11th cousinhood!
She also informed me that Obama and I each have 4094-some other great-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-grandparents, in addition to Samuel Hinckley and his wife, and that Obama and I are part of a possibly-millions strong network of 11x great grandchildren.  Talk about the strength of our union, right?  I guess I should relinquish bragging rights just about ... now.

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