Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Futuristic nostalgia

First there was the Polaroid camera, that bulky piece which, when worn around the neck, still provides the perfect dash of street-cred to any wannabe hipster's outfit.  The film was faded and the click was satisfying, and there's really nothing like shaking out a Polaroid picture to see what surprises your artist's eye has in store. Then the company filed for bankruptcy, eventually discontinuing Polaroid film.  As of last February, Polaroid was no more.  When I heard that a company had purchased the old factory in the Netherlands in order to breathe life back into analog instant film ... well, I have to admit I was more than psyched. But of course, once the film technology is re-released in 2010, it will only benefit those who've managed to get (or keep) their paws on a vintage Polaroid cam.  
The temporary/technological/tantalizingly simple solution?  The downloadable (and free!) Poladroid application which mimics the original by "developing" your digital pics in that classic white frame design, complete with the sound of the photo popping out and the pics "drying" as the brown chemical wash fades.  What's more, the application has a capacity of 10 treatments per session, imitating that of a real Polaroid cartridge.  So although it's not quite the real deal, it is easier to share, more environmentally-friendly, and most importantly, it's ready right now!

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