Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jonze-in for some Spike

Excuse the poor titular pun, but I just couldn't help myself. Today is an exciting, nay, a historical day, because it is today that the MoMa launches Spike Jonze: The First 80 Years. The name of the retrospective is appropriately tongue-in-cheek (the guy is what, 40?) and self-aware: Jonze is something of a Gen-X genius. The exhibit is timed to coordinate with the release of the much-anticipated collaboration between Jonze and Maurice Sendak (Where the Wild Things Are, duh), and features clips from the director's commercials, music videos, and full-length films - most notably, the Charlie Kaufman-penned gems Being John Malkovich and Adaptation, not to mention Jackass: The Movie. The guy is a legend, and the tribute is well-deserved. Festivities end October 18th, so make sure you get your ass to the MoMa before it's too late.

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