Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake

Maybe it's 'cause I'm a Pisces, but I've always had an intense relationship with the ocean, a mixture of intense awe, fear and fascination.  My seaworthy itch tends to get stronger closer to my birth month (I watched "The Life Aquatic" last night and had crazy scuba dreams).  So it's fitting that I recently came across the piece of news that Google Earth has delved into another, darker dimension - their new undersea view, announced Monday, depicts maps of the ocean floor as well as videos and photos of the plants and creatures that reside there.  Additionally, users can go in the opposite direction for a close-up of Mars, or see how aerial views of the earth have changed with the impending climate crisis (Al Gore is clearly a fan of that one).  For more on the new and improved Google Earth, check out for yourself!

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