Monday, February 23, 2009

Dances for Beads

Before beginning to recap the events of the past weekend, I'd like to acknowledge the extremely deserving Oscar winners: Heath, Penelope, Kate, Sean, Slumdog - I was rooting for you, and I couldn't be happier.
OK.  So, my travel companions and I got back to Baltimore at about 9:30 this morning after leaving the Big Easy around 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon.  The nearly 40 hours we spent in the car to get there and back were 100% worth the 48 hours we spent eating and drinking ourselves into physical pain, walking all around the city in increasing states of unkemptness, and sleeping on various hard surfaces (southern hospitality is no myth - our last night in New Orleans was spent on the floor of a yoga/meditation community center run by a friend-of-a-friend who teaches a class on Tibetan Buddhism at the university).  We feasted on beignets, eggs and grits, king cake, coffee with chicory, and hurricanes.  We procured pounds and pounds of plastic beads, whose weight became so unbearable we had to periodically let them loose into the streets.  We saw celebrities (James Carville and Kid Rock), parades by the French Quarter, the uproarious ridiculousness of Bourbon Street and the pastel turreted homes of the Garden District.  Considering that we arrived in the city with no plans whatsoever, we experienced a series of adventures the likes of which will never be forgotten (hysterical drunkenness notwithstanding).  The only shame is that we had to leave before Tuesday.  Looks like Baltimore's just gonna have to see its own Mardi Gras parade.

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