Today, I switched on CNN and watched Israel bomb the Gaza strip, logged on to Perez and read the latest on the death of Jett Travolta, scanned the NY Times to see that jobless rates have hit a 16-year high, and visited my grandmother who bemoaned Iran's opium dependency. As a college-educated individual, I was aware of all this before today. I've heard it too many times. It's one thing to be informed; it's quite another to be a vessel of negativity. In the age of the information overload, it's not knowing what to read, watch or listen to that's the trouble - it's what to tune out.
As a New York Jew, I know how to do a lot of things. I know how to drink like a fish, worry and whine like a champ, and that there's no such thing as too much black. The thing that comes less naturally? Filling the other half of my proverbial glass (with positivity, not booze). But as a soon-to-be college grad about to witness a new age (read: presidency), and on the brink of the exciting/scary/never-ending search for the elusive job-apartment-soulmate combo, it's dawning on me that there's a lot to look ahead to.
So here it is: just the good stuff. I know it's not all rainbows and rent control, but really, what's wrong with a winky-smiley face here and there? I'll try to keep updated on great music, film, food, and tales of general good fortune. As for you, whatever happy stuff happens, go ahead and post it here. Save the salt for your next dinner party.
Who wants half a glass of booze anyway?
Winter blizzards prove we still have a few months to ward off global warming...A bad economy means cheap urban living and Happy Hour recession specials...Harry Potter comes out this summer...Divorces are down since people cant afford to move out of their houses; maybe people will stop cheating on their spouses... 30 Rock wins 2 Golden Globes...
More to come...
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