U2 isn't getting any credit for the newly-studied emotion that has positive psychology researchers in a tizzy: autonomic responses denoting elevation (an emotion once reserved for the fields of philosophy and religion), have been scientifically observed in subjects listening to the vocal stylings of Barack Obama. This elevation effect, characterized by stimulation of the vagus nerve (which leads to feelings of warmth in the chest and a lump in the throat), has the power to open people's cognitive centers to new possibilities and hope for change. Obama himself may be what is called a "vagal superstar," someone whose high vagus nerve activity allows them to respond to stress and conflict with ease (let's hope so). For more of the science behind why B-Rock gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling, see here.
In unrelated presidential news, it would be cool if my local Baltimore liquor store is stocking this stuff:
Then again, remembering Tuesday would be cool too.
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