Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Definitely not a book

If this was a Bad News blog, I would tell you about Tyra Banks' new YA book deal (it's called Modelland, and it sounds like what happens when stupid meets crazy). But since this is the Good Newspaper, I'll tell you about a new project coming out June 15, from the wacked-out mind of an author I have an intense love-hate relationship with.

Chuck Klosterman (also known as the bestselling author of Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, not to mention a fair few more pop culture critiques and snobby-yet-true music commentaries that all grace my bookshelves) has written something that is "definitely not a book." Nor is it an essay, or an article. The Random House-published collection, called HYPERtheticals: 50 Questions for Insane Conversation, is essentially a deck of cards made up of hypothetical questions designed to do what Chuck does best: provoke. Klosterman calls it "just something weird for weird people." Unfortunately, if you're like me, it will be very difficult to avoid paying money to be disparaged by him. That's the Chuck Klosterman we all love to hate.

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