Thursday, April 2, 2009

Turning over a new rock

Flavorwire interviewed 30 Rock's Judah Friedlander (as far as I'm concerned, the only man alive who can still rock a trucker hat) about keeping a sense of humor during hard times.  Best of the transcript:

Flavorwire: What’s funny about poverty?
Judah Friedlander: Seeing a former rich chick have to take the subway is hilarious. I once saw a homeless woman who had had a nose job at some point in her life. I wondered, is that how she went homeless? Did she blow all her money on the nose job or was it something else?
FW: Any advice to the guy that just lost his job and is moving into his parents’ basement?
JF: A lot of parents’ basements are pretty awesome. Many have ping pong tables. You can play ping pong all day. That’s what I would do. And, you have the laundry right there. And you can throw parties, ’cause it’s in the basement. The parents won’t hear you. And you don’t have to worry about that annoying neighbor that lives below you, ’cause there isn’t one.

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