Saturday, March 14, 2009

Flavor tripping

I suppose it's been circling the trendspots for quite a while now, but last night was the first I heard of miracle fruit, a berry that temporarily modifies the way tastebuds perceive flavor such that sour things taste like the sweetest candy.  Wild, no?  I might have to look into purchasing some berry goodness and throwing a group taste test.

Also - apologies for slightly sucking at the blog thang lately ... life's been a little crazy here, and I'm about to be M.I.A. for a week as I'll be beachside and out of internet access.  Hope to be up and running on the blogosphere come next Monday.  Til then, a little Jamaican hilarity to get you through the week:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haaa haaa haaaa
sad we missed him in our travels