Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stay green

Today is the 40th anniversary of the world's first Earth Day, making it an ideal time to take a moment to pay our respects to the environment and think about how we can make a difference. Let's do our best to do away with this notion of eco-consumerism, a movement that has done for the environment what Hallmark has done for emotional communication. Let's buy less and donate more, because giving barely-worn clothes to a homeless shelter helps more and feels better than purchasing a hemp-woven dress. Let's recognize that the Green Movement is about systemic change, and that it starts on the individual level. Forty years ago, there was no Environmental Protection Agency, no Clean Air, Endangered Species, or Safe Drinking Water Acts - legislative actions that have prevented millions of premature deaths from air pollution, made rivers cleaner, and saved countless animal species from extinction. We now know the environment needs protecting, but the question of policy reform still remains. The environment still rarely serves as a defining issue in political campaigns, and is rarely ranked as a top issue among Americans. Public concern about climate change is declining. Let's try to vote green, to think green, and to continue to give thanks to a planet that will only keep on giving as long as we do our best to protect it.

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