Although reports of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) are down from their surge in the late 1970s and early 80s, the danger of non-organic tampons still looms. The mass-marketed tampons produced today are full of synthetic fiber (including rayon, the culprit for the growth of TSS-causing staphylococcus aureus bacteria), pesticides (from the non-organic farming process of the cotton) and chlorine (used in bleaching). Why try to avoid bleached, pesticide-ridden food when we are polluting our bodies by inserting it directly for a week each month?
Now for the good news:
Companies like Seventh Generation have created organic cotton tampons that have not been bleached with chlorine (packaged with all recycled paper to boot!), available in stores everywhere. As intelligent women of a greener generation, we must consider our bodies as temples to be treated with the utmost care and respect. Let's take advantage of the good things we have available to us. Take the first step by refusing to buy bleached, non-organic sanitary care products.
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