Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The tides are turning

My two-month unemployment (or partial employment) streak is officially over, as I got that magical "you're hired" call yesterday afternoon! First real-live job: foreign rights assistant (or, as my brother put it, "international pusher of words") at a legit, old-timey literary agency whose backlist boasts such greats as F. Scott Fitzgerald, J.D. Salinger and Agatha Christie. The office has typewriters, Filofaxes, and piles and piles of beautiful hardcovers that give off that incredible musty book smell.
So, goodbye to part-time telemarketing, blogging and freelance bumming around, hello working world.


Anonymous said...

Allegra! you happened to be on the top of my homepage (fb) and what an awesome blog you have! first of all congrats on getting employed. i am jealous. i miss alloy and being employed! hope all is well

juliette said...


Annie said...

yahoooo better than "good" news its great news!!

(i just wanted to comment)